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  • Dr Fraz Mir
  • Dr Joseph Cheriyan
  • Dr Jonathon Fuld
  • Dr Andy Fry
  • Dr Paul Flynn
  • Dr Patrick Deegan
  • Dr Elinor Moore
  • Dr Jacobus Preller
  • Dr Thomas Krieg


All medical jobs at Addenbrooke’s consist of two portions; a ward based half (for FHO1-­‐2 this is approximately 2 months) on a parent specialty (i.e. Respiratory, Diabetes) and a further 2 month period on ‘Acute Medicine’. This incorporates the following aspects – Being ‘on take’ in the emergency department, a portion of time (typically 2 weeks) as the ‘service needs doctor’ where you will fill gaps on other firms and, your annual leave.

The Acute Medicine block may include time working on MSEU (aka EAU5). There are two teams “A” and “B” that split patients on MSEU + medical outliers. The teams alternate days between takes. When on take there is an afternoon ward round reviewing admissions followed by a full ward round the next day. Prepare for the afternoon round by going to A&E at 1615, make sure that the admitted patients in the Morning Report book for that day matches up with those in the Epic Morning Report list and print out a list with the details of any new patients admitted to MSEU, K3 or CCU who you will see in the afternoon ward round. The next morning the consultant will come from morning report with an updated list of outliers badged to Acute Med. Example day: Team A (on take) – morning round of current patients + afternoon round at 1630. Team B (post take) – morning round of current + new patients from the last 24 hours.

Important weekly meetings

For MSEU Doctors: X Ray Meeting TUESDAY at 12.30 with Acute Med teaching straight afterwards

A Typical Day

There are various shifts covered; normal working day of 0800-­‐1800, a mid day shift of 1400-­‐2100, a twilight shift of 1600-­‐2300 and a night shift running from 2045-­‐0900. There will normally be at least one foundation trainee and one medical specialty trainee on each shift. Attend the emergency department and introduce yourself to the medical SpR on call, the medical team are based in A+E assessment area A.

A&E patients are listed on the Trackboard. Click on the 'Medicine' tab to view a list of the all the patients badged to medicine in the department. Patients are listed in the order to be seen, some will be listed as 'Medicine' and some as 'ED/Med'. The latter will also appear on the A&E team list so focus on clerking in the 'Medicine' patients. Before seeing a patient, assign yourself, the lead consultant for the day and 'Morning Medical Report' to the treatment team and add your name to the Trackboard next to the patient that you are seeing. This is important so that the medical seniors can plan their reviews. Patients may be reviewed by anyone that has passed PACES (i.e. some CT2s and any Med Regs). In the afternoon the acute medical consultant of the day and/or their registrar will often be present in the ED reviewing patients.

2 extra medical SpRs attend in the twilight hours to streamline the review process so there is lots of support. When you are the foundation trainee on nights an important component of the shift is to collate all the patients from the previous day/nights take onto the handover list – this is done by checking all the patients in the Morning Medical Report book appear either on the Morning Medical Report list or the Recently Discharged-Morning Report list. In addition, each of the patients on the list should have a handover in the “Summary” box containing pertinent details of the reason for admission and any recommendations for which specialty team should review/take over care. Print out 30 copies of each list to take to the morning report meeting which occurs at 0815 in the F5/G5 seminar room.

Other Info

If there are outstanding tests pending on patients leaving the emergency department (i.e. troponins) it is important that you chase and act on these results or hand them over if going home, as patients are not officially under a ward based team until the following morning (patients on MSEU will be reviewed on the consultant ward round each afternoon at approximately 1630). If unsure ask for help.

Useful Numbers

(Out of Hours)

  • A&E X Ray: 3121 (MSEU patients get X Rays done in A&E)
  • In-­‐patient X Ray 58551, (Out of hours ,call A+E X-­‐Ray )
  • Medical Registrar on Call: 156-­‐0700
  • Medical SHO (CMT1-­‐2) on Call: 151-­‐135
  • USS 2778
  • CT Reporting 6718
  • Neuro CT 3208
  • Blood bank 3130 (152-­‐741)
  • Biochemistry Results/Additions: 3781 (or 154-­‐489)
  • Haematology/Transfusion 3130 (152-­‐741)
  • Microbiology 57035, 57055
  • Cardiology/Respiratory (+ID/MSEU at night) SHO: 154-­‐240
guide/specialties/medical/acute_medicine_eau5.txt · Last modified: Sat 30-May-2015 18:52 by 14-che.k