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The WikiFY: Get settled into your new rotation!

Welcome to Addenbrooke's Hospital! It's a great place to work, but because it's so large, busy and complex the learning curve for new rotations can be quite steep. All Foundation Programme posts have their own quirks and peculiarities and the WikiFY aims to help you quickly get familiar with these, so you can become a more effective member of the team as quickly as possible. All specialities and shifts have their own WikiFY page containing lots of information that your predecessors wish they'd known when they were in your position, including information about the normal day, out of hours cover, team structure, the typical patient, various hints and tips you might find useful, and lots more. Click “Specialities” on the left to find your post. Where there is an FY1 and an FY2, the page is shared. We really hope you find the WikiFY a useful resource. Some of the content will change over time so during your rotation try to have a think about other things you wish you'd known before you started that should be modified or included in your rotation's WikiFY page. To get signed off at your clinical supervisor's end of placement meeting you'll need to provide evidence that you've improved the page for your specific job or shift.

Thanks for taking part, and thanks to all of the contributors. We really hope that you, and your successors, find it useful! Do get in touch if you have any questions, comments or suggestions.

As you are learning the ropes, add any information you are given or acquire to your specialty page.

Created by:

  • Mr I Grant - Foundation Training Programme Director
  • Dr J Sturgess - Foundation Training Programme Director
  • Dr G Collins - 2013 - FY1
  • Dr J Mathews - 2012 - FY2 Academic Surgery
  • Dr D Stubbs - 2012 - FY2 Academic Anaesthetics
  • Dr P Shah - 2013 - FY1
  • Dr E Osimo - 2013 - FY1
  • Dr Y Rakhimov - 2013 - FY1


Modification of the WikiFY is mandatory for your ARCP.

start.txt · Last modified: Mon 14-Aug-2017 14:35 by Ann Bloomfield